Lt. Gen. WPRA Amunggut Tabi: Congratulations Hon. Powes Parkop MP for Re-Election

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Lt. Gen. WPRA Amunggut Tabi: Congratulations Hon. Powes Parkop MP for Re-Election

Lt. Gen. WPRA Amunggut Tabi: Congratulations Hon. Powes Parkop MP for Re-Election
Hon. Powes Parkop MP supprt Free West Papua.
From the Central Defense Headquarters of the West Papua Revolutionary Army (WPRA) Lieutenant General Amunggut Tabi hereby would like to congratulate Hon. Powes Parkop MP for being re-elected as a Member of Parliament for a third term.

The relationships and cooperation between the Papuans in the western part of our New Guinea Island with Mr. Parkop started almost 30 years ago, when Mr. Parkop was a student In 2004, when Mr Parkop was a lawyer, I myself with my guard came to you, Mr Parkop, and encouraged you to become a politician. This was not a trick, it was an order from our supreme commander Mathias Wenda. He was the one who told us to come and tell you Mr. Parkop, to get involved in PNG Politics.

Through myself, he extended his gratitude for releasing him from PNG prisons. Many times my commander Gen. Wenda was arrested, and you helped his release many times. Gen. Wenda did not have anything to thank you. He just had an order, to let you know to campaign for a parliamentarian seat. He ordered me, “Do not come back here until he is elected as an MP. That is an order!”.

Well, I have carried our his many orders. But this time, I was not sure. I am not a politician, first of all, and secondly, I am now familiar with yourself, Mr. Parkop. I did not know how rationally how I will carry out the order. But I knew many miracles had happened to me, in carrying out his orders. I said to my ancestors and all the heroes who died already for the cause
This is an order for us. Let us go together, Do not stay around here. You are spiritual beings, you are supposed to be powerful, omni-present, and you all must help me.
when I came to see you, I was on the way back from our fellow Melanesian brothers ni-Vanuatu, in the Republic of Vanuatu.

I was not sleeping well day and night. First of all, to make sure you will decide to campaign for an MP in PNG. It was at the right time, right person was ready. The Late Bill Skate passed away as the NCD Governor, and the city was about to hold a bi-election for the vacancy. In spiritual language, this is called, “co-incidence”, but modern people do not believe in it. We believe in it, we life in it, we breathe in it. I am true believer of a “co-incidence” and writing this letter is also another co-incidence.

Yes, I had in my hand some Euros cash, that Gen. Wenda himself gave me personally, and told me, “Do not count it, just deliver it to him!” Yes, I did just what he said. You remember, I handed that over to you one evening after you finished giving a talk, one of the preliminary campaign activities during your first time involvement in politics.

I stayed there with you, until I was assured and witnessed your own inauguration as the Governor of NCD (National Capital District) of our country Papua New Guinea. We also brought some elders all the way from West Papua. They told you,
“We bring out votes from West Papua. All those dead ones, and all Papuans in West Papua‘s votes are with us, in this bilum that we hand over to you.” then they gave you the Wamena Bilum.
Those elders are still alive, and they always talk about you.

I knew at the early stages during our short conversations, when you looked at me when I mentioned about the order. I knew that you did not want to believe this is a real order. But now three terms already you have been a politician, and I now hope you believe it, as it is real, not a plan, not a suggestion anymore.

Since then, I never seen you. Now is already over 10 years. I have never met you as a Governor, but I did meet you four times when you were a lawyer, preparing yourself to become a politician.

I know, as a politician, you are different from Lawyer Powes Parkop that I knew then, and that I can explain to myself here. But one thing that still the same is this, “Our struggle to free West Papua and Melanesia from colonialism and colonial influences.” Yes hat is right, because it is our right to do.

On behalf of our ancestors, our heroes who died already in the jungles and in the villages, those who are still alive today all the way from Sorong to Samarai, on behalf of our future generations, and in the name of God the Creator and Ruler of Melanesia,


Honourable Governor Powes Parkop MP

Humbly Yours,

Amunggut Tabi, Lt. Gen. WPRA
BRN: A.DF 018676

Personal Adviser to the WPRA Commander in Chief

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