How would F-15Cs and F-16Cs fair against the Su-35?

How would F-15Cs and F-16Cs fair against the Su-35? - Hai Apa kabar Sobat pembaca CEPOT POST?, Cepot harap kabar Sobat baik-baik saja dan tak kurang suatu apa ya.. hehehe.. di kesempatan yang baik ini kita akan mengupas post dengan judul: How would F-15Cs and F-16Cs fair against the Su-35?, dan sepertinya post kali ini layak dimasukan dalam kategori Artikel Berita, Artikel Kabar, Artikel Militer, Artikel Ragam, Artikel TNI, Nah biar gak kelamaan, yuk langsung kita simak saja.

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How would F-15Cs and F-16Cs fair against the Su-35?

The USAF’s classic F-15C is slightly outclassed by the Su-35, although with upgrades along the lines of the Saudi F-15SA configuration, with a very powerful AN/APG-63(V)3 AESA radar and double the missile loadout of the classic F-15C, they are approaching parity again – albeit with a much heavier focus on BVR capabilities than WVR manoeuvrability than the Sukhoi. The F-15C (modernised), teamed with the F-22 fleet, can certainly remain a match for the Su-35S.

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How would F-15Cs and F-16Cs fair against the Su-35?

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