Harga Minyak Masak Naik Bulan Depan Lapor Oriental Daily?

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Harga Minyak Masak Naik Bulan Depan Lapor Oriental Daily?

Harga minyak masak akan meningkat bulan depan, lapor akhbar berbahasa Cina, Oriental Daily yang memetik Persatuan Pengeluar Minyak Makan Malaya.

Menurut laporan itu, kenaikan berkenaan berikutan pemansuhan subsidi minyak masak. 

Kategori minyak masak yang terjejas itu termasuk 500g, 1kg, 2kg, 3kg dan 5kg produk minyak campuran serta 500g, 1kg, 2kg dan 3kg produk minyak sawit tulen.

Ia juga menyebut, minyak sawit tulen dalam botol 5kg akan terus disubsidi sehingga tahun depan. 

Menurut laporan itu, sebungkus minyak masak yang seberat satu kilogram dijangka meningkat daripada RM2.50 kepada RM2.90 menjelang bulan depan, manakala botol minyak sawit tulen 5kg akan naik daripada RM13.35 kepada RM15.25 menjelang Januari 2017.

Ini laporannya..

KUALA LUMPUR (Dow Jones) - Edible oil prices will start to increase in the coming months! 
The Malaysian Oil Refiners' Association announced today that the price of 1 kg of plastic package edible oil will increase from RM2.5 billion to RM2.90 cents, up 40 cents from the beginning of next month's new oil stabilization program. 
The price of 5 kg of pure palm oil from bottling, from the existing 13 ringgit 35 cents to 15 ringgit 25 cents, up 1 ringgit 90 cents. 
Under the new Edible Oil Stabilization Plan, subsidies for edible oil will be phased out in two phases. 
The first phase will be from November 1 to December 31, 2016, while the second stage will begin on January 1, 2017, At the beginning only the plastic package of edible oil was subsidized. 
Pure palm oil is not subsidized next year. 
Beginning next month, 500g, 1kg, 2kg, 3kg and 5kg of bottled mixed cooking oil and 500g, 1kg, 2kg and 3kg bottled pure palm oil will be canceled. 
This means that the price is not set in the Government under the top price of the case, the price fluctuations in accordance with the market, business-determined. 
And 5 kg of bottled pure palm oil in November and December this year, there are still subsidies, but in January 2017 began to no longer enjoy the allowance. 
The first phase of the new Edible Oil Stabilization Plan, which began in November, will change the percentage of subsidized use for any company participating in the Government's new food stabilization program. 
In the past, edible oil manufacturers, if they were granted subsidies, could decide on how to use the subsidy. If 100% of the subsidy can be used for the production of 1 kg of edible oil, they will not be able to do so on November 1 this year.  
Under the new scheme, subsidized companies must pay 70% of their allowances for the production of 1 kg of plastic packaged cooking oil and the remaining 30% must be used to produce 5 kg of canned edible oil. 
In the second phase, which began on January 1, 2017, the price of 5 kg of pure palm oil in the government subsidies, the price will fluctuate according to the market. 
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Harga Minyak Masak Naik Bulan Depan Lapor Oriental Daily?

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Telah selesai dibaca: Harga Minyak Masak Naik Bulan Depan Lapor Oriental Daily? link yang gunakan: http://cepotpost.blogspot.com/2016/10/harga-minyak-masak-naik-bulan-depan.html

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