Pilihanraya Umum Dijangka Mac Tahun Depan Lapor Bloomberg

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Pilihanraya Umum Dijangka Mac Tahun Depan Lapor Bloomberg

Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak mungkin mengadakan pilihan raya umum (PRU) lebih awal daripada 2018, menurut Bloomberg memetik beberapa sumber rapat dalam Umno.

Malah, Parlimen mungkin dibubarkan seawal Mac, menurut sekurang-kurangnya 2 sumber parti.

“Mengapa tidak. Pembangkang tidak sehaluan. Kami bersedia sepenuhnya menghadapi pilihan raya,” laporan itu memetik seorang pemimpin Umno bahagian.

Najib dan beberapa pemimpin kanan Umno juga menjelajah di seluruh negara menghadiri mesyuarat parti dan menggesa ahli melipatganda usaha menarik sokongan generasi muda, menurut laporan Bloomberg.

Kononnya kemenangan PRU untuk Najib dikatakan boleh mematahkan segala spekulasi beliau akan gagal mengharungi dakwaan skandal yang membuatkan pelabur asing tertanya-tanya mengenai masa depan politiknya.

Penganalisis bagaimanapun tak pasti sama ada rancangan Najib mengadakan PRU seawal tahun depan sesuatu yang baik untuknya, di sebalik masalah berkait 1MDB dan ekonomi merudum.

“Sebaik-baiknya, mereka mahu mengadakan pilihan raya apabila rakyat mula merasakan mereka lebih selesa dari segi kewangan,” kata Sholto Byrnes dari Institut Kajian Strategik dan Antarabangsa.

Berikut adalah laporannya..

There’s the whisper of an early election in the air in Malaysia.

Prime Minister Najib Razak and senior officials of his ruling United Malays National Organisation have used dozens of annual party events across the country in recent weeks to exhort members -- the bulk of whom are ethnic Malays -- to get out and meet potential voters, especially younger ones.

Amid repeated references to the next general election, it’s raising speculation Malaysians will head to the polls before the due date of the middle of 2018. Some senior UMNO officials say it could be as soon as March.

Najib, 63, has weathered more than a year of turmoil amid political attacks over a funding scandal that left foreign investors wondering at times if he would survive in the job. Getting an election win under his belt could dispel doubts about his ability to lead, while providing him with a new mandate to implement economic reforms for a long-touted goal of becoming a developed nation by 2020.

"March has been talked about," said an UMNO division leader from a southern state, who asked not to be identified, citing the confidential nature of the information. "And why not? The opposition is not together. We are ready as we can be for elections."

Another UMNO division leader from a different state also said March was being discussed. The two officials asked not to be identified as the talks are private. They also noted no decision has been taken on the election timing.

UMNO leaders are making plans to appeal to the youth and urban vote, with a suggestion by Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi that the party adopt a "hipster” culture. A component party of the UMNO-led Barisan Nasional coalition said it will announce candidates in October, rather than wait until the "very last minute" to unveil its team.

Analysts are mixed on whether it makes sense for Najib to hold the vote next year, or wait until nearer the 2018 deadline to dissolve parliament.

One factor that could tilt the balance for a snap poll is the fractured opposition, which has struggled this year in by-elections and a state poll. But some say weakening growth and the spotlight of global probes into billions allegedly embezzled from state investment company 1Malaysia Development Bhd. are reasons for Najib to delay.

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Pilihanraya Umum Dijangka Mac Tahun Depan Lapor Bloomberg

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Telah selesai dibaca: Pilihanraya Umum Dijangka Mac Tahun Depan Lapor Bloomberg link yang gunakan: http://cepotpost.blogspot.com/2016/09/pilihanraya-umum-dijangka-mac-tahun.html

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