Here Is Everything We Know And Don't About Russia's Mysterious ICBM Tests

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Here Is Everything We Know And Don't About Russia's Mysterious ICBM Tests

Russia test-fires ‘Topol’ ICBM with new advanced warhead

Russia test-fires ‘Topol’ ICBM with new advanced warhead

  Russia has conducted a successful test launch of the RS-12M Topol intercontinental ballistic missile, the Defense Ministry said in a statement, adding that the test data would be used for the development of future missile penetration aids.

The test launch was performed at the Kapustin Yar range in Russia’s southern Astrakhan Region, the ministry said, adding that the test warhead successfully hit its target at a range in Kazakhstan.

The launch was aimed at testing the advanced combat equipment of the Russian missiles, and the experiment data obtained during the test will be used to develop prospective means of breaching 'enemy' missile defenses for use in Russian ballistic missiles, the ministry said in the statement.

Last week, the Russian Strategic Missile Force tested its modern Yars intercontinental ballistic missile. A solid propellant missile carrying a multiple warhead payload, Yars is a modern variant of the Topol-M missile series, designed to replace the dated liquid-propellant UR-100N missiles, which are better known under their NATO designation SS-19 Stiletto.

Two weeks ago, the Russian military conducted another test launch of the Yars missile, which is capable of hitting different targets up to 12,000km away.

A test of the Russian RS-28 Sarmat super-heavy thermonuclear missile, designated SS-X-30 Satan 2 by NATO, could be held in October, TASS reports.

The RT-2PM2 «Topol-M» (Russian: РТ-2ПМ2 «Тополь-М», NATO reporting name: SS-27 "Sickle B" ], other designations: SS-27 Mod   RS-12M1, RS-12M2, formerly incorrectly RT-2UTTKh)  is one of the most recent intercontinental ballistic missiles to be deployed by Russia (see RS-24), and the first to be developed after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. It was developed from the RT-2PM Topol mobile intercontinental ballistic missile.

In its Russian designation РТ stands for "ракета твердотопливная", raketa tverdotoplivnaya ("solid fuel rocket"), while УТТХ – for "улучшенные тактико-технические характеристики," uluchshenniye taktiko-tekhnicheskie kharakteristiki ("improved tactical and technical characteristics"). "Topol" (тополь) in Russian means "white poplar". It is designed and produced exclusively by the Moscow Institute of Thermal Technology, and built at the Votkinsk Machine Building Plant


The Topol-M is a cold-launched, three-stage, solid-propellant, silo-based or road-mobile intercontinental ballistic missile.[11] The missile's length is 22.7 m and the first stage has a body diameter of 1.9 m. The mass at launch is 47,200 kg, including the 1,200 kg payload. Topol-M carries a single warhead with an 800 kt yield but the design is compatible with MIRV warheads. According to chief designer Yury Solomonov, the missile can carry four to six warheads along with decoys. Its minimum range is estimated to be 2,000 km and the maximum range 10,500 km. It has three solid rocket stages with inertial, autonomous flight control utilizing an onboard GLONASS receiver.  It is reputed to have the highest accuracy of any Russian ICBM with a CEP of 200m. The body of the rocket is made by winding carbon fiber.

The Topol-M may be deployed either inside a reinforced missile silo or from an APU launcher mounted on the MZKT-79221 "Universal" 16-wheeled transporter-erector-launcher.[14] This mobile launcher is capable of moving through roadless terrain, and launching a missile from any point along its route. The designation for the silo-based Topol-M missile is believed to be RS-12M2, while the mobile version is RS-12M1.
Dmitry Medvedev during his visit to a regiment of the Strategic Rocket Forces equipped with Topol-M
Combat Support Vehicle (MOBD) 15V231 of Topol/Topol-M at the Saint-Petersburg Artillery Museum
Troposphere Relay Station R-406VCh of Topol/Topol-M at the Saint-Petersburg Artillery Museum

The first stage has rocket motors developed by the Soyuz Federal Center for Dual-Use Technologies. These give the missile a much higher acceleration than other ICBM types. They enable the missile to accelerate to the speed of 7,320 m/s and to travel a flatter trajectory to distances of up to 10,000 km.

As a solid propellant design, the missile can be maintained on alert for prolonged periods of time and can launch within minutes of being given the order.

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