DANGEROUS! SU-35 Extrem Maneuver

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DANGEROUS! SU-35 Extrem Maneuver

On the world fighter market Russia’s Sukhoi is pinning its hopes, in the near future, on a substantially modernized Su-35 multi-role fighter. The model must be an interim type between today’s Su-30MK in various configurations and a prospective fifth-generation fighter, whose deliveries may start in the second half of the next decade. The Su-35 is a 4++ generation aircraft employing technologies of the fifth generation. They make it superior to all other 4th generation fighters now under development worldwide. In 2009-2015, thanks to these technologies, the Su-35 will dominate the world market, outperforming other proposed multi-role fighters.

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DANGEROUS! SU-35 Extrem Maneuver

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Telah selesai dibaca: DANGEROUS! SU-35 Extrem Maneuver link yang gunakan: http://cepotpost.blogspot.com/2017/10/dangerous-su-35-extrem-maneuver.html

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